Client: Telekom Hungary
Agency: DDB Budapest
Algorithmic radicalization is the idea that social media recommendation algorithms (like those on Instagram and TikTok) can gradually expose users to more extreme content, leading them toward radicalized views.

It doesn’t take much to get caught up in this social media spiral – what starts as harmless content can quickly escalate to something disturbing.

With teenagers spending countless hours scrolling on social media, it’s no surprise they can easily fall victim to this phenomenon. That’s why Hello Parent, Hungarian Telekom’s online source of knowledge for families, aims to educate parents about algorithmic radicalization and how they can protect their children.

We created three radio spots that address some of the most dangerous topics that doom scrolling and algorithms can lead teens toward: suicidal thoughts, eating disorders, and extreme misogyny. Using familiar audio cues from social media scrolling, we illustrated how this seemingly harmless daily habit can pull teenagers into these “scrolling tragedies.”
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